Category Archives: All Destinations

15 top things to do in Kathmandu, Nepal

A magnificent view of a white stupa adorned with gold, surrounded by colorful prayer flags against a partially cloudy sky.

Looking for the top things to do in Kathmandu? Here’s a full guide from my recent trip! Kathmandu’s an effervescent city. All day and most of the night, you’ll hear the buzz of motorcycles in the street, accompanied by bright prayer flags fluttering from virtually every building, the smell of momos (local dumplings) meeting your […]

Climbing Kilimanjaro guide: everything you need to know

View of Mount Kilimanjaro

Soaring to 5,895 meters, Mount Kilimanjaro is not only Africa’s tallest peak but also the world’s highest free-standing mountain. Located in northeastern Tanzania, this iconic summit draws thousands of travellers from across the globe each year – eager to conquer its heights and witness the stunning vistas from above the clouds. Being one of the […]