Is Nepal worth visiting? 10 reasons to visit Nepal!

A woman sits on a rocky outcrop, gazing up at the towering, snow-capped mountain in the background, under a clear blue sky

Is Nepal worth visiting? Yes, I think so!

The world’s highest mountains, prayer flags fluttering in the breeze, the smell of dahl baht from restaurants lining the streets of Kathmandu and a range of climates, terrains and cultures – there’s so much to love in Nepal. 

Nepal as a nation is well, well worth visiting – I spent three and a half weeks here recently, and here’s what I loved about it (along with some considerations for visiting at the bottom!). 

Is Nepal worth visiting? 

Nepal is absolutely worth visiting, and here’s why! 

Incredible culture 

A magnificent view of a white stupa adorned with gold, surrounded by colorful prayer flags against a partially cloudy sky.

Nepal’s culture will enthral you, the second you step into Tribhuvan International Airport

No matter where you’re from or your interests, the culture of Nepal will pull you in. 

The streets of Kathmandu may be hectic, but from them to the deserted alleys of Dingboche, Nepali culture positively oozes from every building. 

The air carries the scent of incense from countless temples – sacred sites for worship – scattered throughout the cities. 

In the evenings, the streets come alive with music from traditional Nepalese instruments, with locals dancing and telling stories. 

Every encounter, whether it’s with a friendly local artisan showing you their crafts or a monk sharing insights into their spiritual practices, will add a layer of understanding and appreciation for this unique country. 

Nepal’s culture, deeply influenced by both Hinduism and Buddhism, is like nowhere else on this planet.

Kind people

One of the most unforgettable aspects of Nepal isn’t just its landscapes or temples; it’s the people

Nepalese hospitality is legendary, and while I was there, it was the warmth and generosity of the locals that truly made the experience memorable.

Whether you’re navigating the busy streets of Kathmandu or trekking through the quieter paths of the Annapurna Circuit, the kindness of the local people is palpable. 

Shopkeepers, eager to share their stories, often invite you into their lives with a smile. 

In the remote villages, families might welcome you into their homes for a cup of tea or a meal.

When we were hiking the Everest Base Camp trail, our guides did all that they could to make sure that we had a safe and comfortable trip. They looked after us when we were poorly, fascinated us with tails from the mountains and introduced us to Nepali culture!

I found this when I was walking around Thamel, too. 

Nearly all locals were respectful and friendly, making me feel safe and valued as a visitor. 

The world’s highest mountains 

Of course, what makes Nepal such a bucket list destination is arguably the chance to visit the world’s highest mountains! 

Indeed, the focus of my trip to Nepal was to hike to Everest Base Camp, an odyssey that hikers and travellers around the world have on their bucket lists. 

There’s something incredibly inspiring about being in the Himalayas, seeing the extremes of the earth and learning about the phenomenal cultures that thrive in the mountains. 

It’s worth visiting Nepal to spend some times being awe-inspired by nature’s beauty whether you go on a hike, take a scenic flight from Kathmandu to the mountains or board a helicopter which will land at Everest Base Camp

Epic trekking 

If you are into trekking, there’s nowhere better than Nepal.

The Everest Base Camp trek, which leads to the base camp of Mount Everest, is the most popular by far – although there are plenty more to enjoy in the Nepalese Himalayas

Another popular hike in Nepal is the Annapurna Circuit – while it is popular, it’s less buy than Everest Base Camp. There’s also a hike to Annapurna Base Camp. 

Quieter still is the hike to Langtang Valley, which is around a six-day hike and is accessible (by bus) from Kathmandu. 

Or, if you fancy a shorter hike, head to Pokhara and hike Poon Hill (around three days). 

There are plenty of shorter, less-than-a-day hikes to enjoy the majesty of Nepal’s mountains as well! 

Beautiful nature 

A scenic view of a rushing river through a lush valley with mountain ranges in the background, dotted with rhododendrons in bloom.

Obviously, the staggering mountains of the Himalayas are a key part of Nepal’s natural beauty. 

But there’s plenty more nature to enjoy here, too. 

Head to Chitwan for more jungle-style scenery, or enjoy the foothills of the mountains with lush, vibrant rivers snaking through. 

While the peaks of the mountains close to EBC were majestic, I adored following the Dudh Kosi River in the lower-altitude areas. 

Chance to see tigers 

Did you know that you can see tigers in Nepal? 

In Chitwan, Nepal’s first national park, you can not only enjoy the jungle nature but also head out on safari! 

Tigers, rhinos, crocodiles, deer and many more animals all call this jungle home. 

Delicious food 

Of course, one of the top reasons to visit Nepal is the incredible food! 

I adored the dahl baht and momos that were served up every day in Nepal. 

Much of the food is actually Indian in origin; we had some glorious paneer curries while we were in Kathmandu. 

Some dishes are Chinese-inspired; you’ll find Sherpa noodle soup (thukpa) or fried noodles. 

To take in Nepal’s food scene, I recommend doing a food tour around Kathmandu (here’s the one that we did) – or a momo-making class with Nepal Cooking School! These were two of my favourite things to do in Kathmandu.

It’s safe!

A dramatic temple entrance in Nepal, guarded by large, fierce-looking mythological creature statues, with locals and tourists milling about the area.

While Nepal does have its issues with road safety and quite a high chance of traveller food poisoning (I go into those in detail below), social-wise, it’s quite safe.

The crime rate of Kathmandu is lower than in many Western cities, including London. See my thoughts about Kathmandu safety here.

I visited Nepal with my partner, but when I walked around on my own, I got a little unwanted attention but nowhere near as much as in other cities around the world (including many in Europe).

And it’s very affordable

Another excellent reason to visit Nepal is that it’s very affordable.

We paid less than $100 per night for a fancy 5* hotel in Kathmandu, our Everest Base Camp trek cost $1,150 (see the full breakdown here) and got a huge meal at a lovely restaurant in Thamel (Third Eye) for just $10 per person.

If you’re a budget traveller, definitely consider Nepal!

It has good tourist infrastructure without being overrun

A grand pink-hued building with ornate white trimmings and balconies, set against a blue sky and surrounded by a well-manicured lawn.
Yak and Yeti Hotel in Kathmandu

Nepal is well set up for tourists, but it’s not as touristy as say, Bali or parts of Thailand.

You’ll find tourist buses connecting popular destinations, many locals speak excellent English and there are plenty of places to stay throughout the country.

If you’re backpacking Nepal, there’s also a buzzing hostel scene!

I’d recommend booking activities and transfers on Get Your Guide and using to reserve accommodation.

Considerations for visiting Nepal 

While I absolutely loved my time in Nepal, there are a few things to think about when you visit. 

If you’re particularly sensitive to any of these things, you might want to carefully consider whether visiting Nepal is the right choice for you! 

Parts can be hectic 

View of a bustling cityscape at sunset with red rooftops and modern buildings stretching towards hills in the distance under a glowing orange sky.

I’m no stranger to chaotic places around the world, but I did find Nepal to be very hectic! 

Traffic weaves around the streets (and pavements) of Kathmandu and the sound of horns seems like it may sometimes never stop. 

Of course, if you head up to the mountains or more rural areas, you’ll find a bit of solace – it’s much more chilled out up here!

To counter some of the hectic-ness of Kathmandu and other cities, I’d recommend staying somewhere like Hotel Barahi (they have a few branches in Nepal). We stayed at their Kathmandu hotel, and it was a wonderful oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Roads aren’t the best for travel 

It’s not just the chaos of the cars and bikes on the road – they can be quite overwhelming to drive on as well. 

Many roads are gravel, some weave perilously around mountain roads and cars and buses can pass each other very closely! 

While I worried a bit about the Lukla flight in Nepal, the roads are realistically much more dangerous. 

Be a bit careful with food and drink 

Close-up of a white bowl containing a hot vegetable soup with chunks of potatoes, carrots, and green leaves, garnished with a fresh green herb.

While Nepal’s cuisine is wonderful, food poisoning does happen! 

Different bacteria, alternative cooking methods and sometimes limited hygiene practices can mean that stomachs not used to Nepali food can sometimes get poorly! 

I had a couple of spats of illness while I was there – once on the EBC trail and once when I was just leaving (which lasted two weeks when I got home!). 

Unfortunately, traveller’s diarrhoea and sickness definitely can happen, but it usually resolves itself. If you need to, Kathmandu has excellent hospital facilities. 

But I’d definitely recommend packing diarrhoea medicine and rehydration sachets just in case! 

Altitude sickness can happen in the mountains

A smiling woman wearing winter clothing stands before a rugged mountain landscape covered in snow, with the sun rising behind the peaks.

This isn’t likely to affect you in places like Kathmandu, Pokhara or Chitwan, but if you are heading up to the mountains, altitude sickness is a real possiblity! 

It’s important to be mindful of this if you’re going to altitudes above 2,500 metres. Minor altitude sickness can become AMS, which can be life-threatening if you don’t descend. 

In my opinion, it’s the biggest danger in mountainous areas of Nepal.

The good news, is that if you get AMS symptoms, descending usually treats it! 

So, is Nepal worth a visit? 

Absolutely! If you love hiking in the world’s most epic mountains, South Asian culture and mouthwatering food, Nepal’s a destination that should totally be on your bucket list. 

I’ve been sharing my trip in Nepal on TikTok and Instagram, and will be sharing it on YouTube as well – so do follow along!