Category Archives: Asia

How Not To Go Hiking in Vang Vieng

Oh Vang Vieng… how I hated you. Don’t get my wrong, the place is pretty – far away from the main strip, that is. Vang Vieng is the worst kind of backpacker town – one where boozed up Westerners flock the main street, seemingly day and night, and save for restaurants offering curries, there isn’t […]

Two Days in Singapore Itinerary for First Timers

Singapore as a city definitely took me by surprise. A lot of people are very skeptical about including Singapore in their South East Asian itineraries, mainly due to concerns about it being expensive and thinking its small size means there isn’t much to do there. Admittedly, the first time I visited Singapore, I didn’t land there […]

Is Halong Bay in December Worth It?

Wonderful Halong Bay is probably Vietnam’s most iconic travel destination. Famed by its glorious karst stones, visitors to Halong Bay can enjoy kayaking, swimming and learning about local life while witnessing the spectacular scenery from a luxury cruise liner. Halong Bay is a common addition to a Hanoi itinerary, as tours leave from the city […]

How to get the train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai

I don’t know why I found getting the Bangkok to Chiang Mai train so difficult. I’ve taken chicken buses through Guatemala, I’ve travelled by train all around China and I’ve taken international coaches through Europe. But for some reason, I just seemed to mess up everything about the train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Luckily, […]

Trekking in Sapa, Vietnam: What You Need to Know

Tucked away from the rest of Vietnam’s tourist trail, up some steep mountains and completely unlike the rest of Vietnam climatically is the beautiful Sapa area. Trekking in Sapa is something that features on many traveller’s Vietnam bucket lists, but still not everybody heads up this far. But it’s well worth the side trip from […]

The Impacts of Tourism in Bali

I’ve got a love-hate relationship with Bali. On one hand, it’s a beautiful island with amazing scenery, lovely locals and an intriguing Hindu culture. On the other, it’s suffocatingly touristy, can feel very inauthentic and has some real problems that are arguably worsened by mass tourism. Bali has spectacular sunsets and gorgeous views, but it […]

The Top 20 Places to Visit in China

hangzhou china

China: it’s a country of legend and enigma, brimming with possibly the most dynamic history of any country in the world. It only opened up to outside tourism in the late 1970s, and to this day still sees relatively few international tourists when compared to other Asian countries. So where are the top 20 places to […]