Category Archives: Asia

15 top things to do in Kathmandu, Nepal

A magnificent view of a white stupa adorned with gold, surrounded by colorful prayer flags against a partially cloudy sky.

Looking for the top things to do in Kathmandu? Here’s a full guide from my recent trip! Kathmandu’s an effervescent city. All day and most of the night, you’ll hear the buzz of motorcycles in the street, accompanied by bright prayer flags fluttering from virtually every building, the smell of momos (local dumplings) meeting your […]

Is Cappadocia safe? My thoughts from my visit

Is Cappadocia safe? The Turkish hotspot is loved by tourists.  But the media often paints Turkey, and in turn Cappadocia, out to be much more dangerous than it really is.  Here are my thoughts from my trip to Cappadocia and knowledge from travelling Turkey extensively.  Is Cappadocia safe?  Yes, Cappadocia is chilled out, relaxed and […]