Everest Base Camp packing list: EVERYTHING you need to bring

Knowing what to pack for Everest Base Camp is an absolute minefield.

Before I went on the Everest Base Camp Trek, I had no idea what to pack. I spent hours scouring through different websites, trying to work out how to pack everything I needed and do so effectively.

So, I decided to write this Everest Base Camp packing list when I returned from the trek, featuring what I packed and used and things I wish I’d packed!

What to wear for the Everest Base Camp Trek 


I invested in Salomon’s boots, which were completely waterproof and very comfortable.

They did cost over £200, but they were reliable throughout the trek!

I have found them cheaper on Amazon – take a look at them here.


I packed the following tops:

  • one t-shirt that I used as a pyjama top specifically for relaxing in the tea houses. I bought these baggy t-shirts on Amazon years ago and still wear them.
  • two lightweight, long-sleeve tops with UV protection that I bought in Kathmandu
  • one Merino wool top, which was super warm, wicked sweat efficiently, and dried quickly
  • another Merino wool top from Mountain Warehouse, although I wasn’t as impressed with this one!
  • I wore a branded top from Nepal Hiking Adventure (the company we went with) on base camp day – we were given these for free.


Every night, I wore a thick jumper to keep warm. Like this one!

I also had a thermal jumper that was incredibly warm. I thought I’d need it for the cooler days hiking, but I actually only wore it a couple of times.


I packed three pairs of Merino wool socks, though I recommend taking four to five pairs – I ordered these ones from Amazon and they arrived at home after I returned!

For the tea houses, I brought non-hiking socks to wear.


I brought 11 pairs of underwear, one for each day.

I forgot a sports bra, and just had to wear my regular bra – which wasn’t a problem, but a sports bra would have been more comfortable!


At lower elevations, I wore excercise leggings, similar to these.

For higher elevations, I wore waterproof hiking trousers over running leggings to stay warm and dry, similar to these ones.

I wore tracksuit bottoms in the evenings and to bed – similar to these ones.

A couple of evenings, I wore thermal leggings under my tracksuit bottoms for extra warmth. Check some out here.

Down jacket

Lastly, I purchased a down jacket in Kathmandu for just £15.

It was incredibly warm and I highly recommend buying one locally for both warmth and affordability.


A woman wearing a cap and sunglasses stands smiling at the camera, with a backdrop of rugged, snow-covered mountains

I brought two woolly hats, one for hiking and one for the tea houses. Here’s one that I bought.

I also had a headband, but it gave me headaches and I didn’t really have a use for it. If you want one, however, here’s a good option.

A buff worn over my nose and mouth was essential to prevent breathing in dust, and I recommend taking two of these as they quickly get dirty. Purchase here.

High-quality sunglasses were essential for protection against the strong sun. Here are some that I love.

I wore a baseball cap more than a woolly hat, as it provided better sun protection. Here’s a basic baseball cap – you can also buy these in Thamel easily.

Everest Base Camp trekking gear

These are items I needed for the actual trek – I kept these in my day pack.

Rain jacket

My rain jacket doubled as a windbreaker and was an essential piece of good quality gear that I used frequently.

Here’s a high-quality rain jacket.

Water bottle

For hydration, I carried a Water to Go bottle, which filtered the water and made it safe to drink from the tap.

Buy a water-to-go bottle here.

Day pack

My day pack was comfortable with adjustable straps, perfect for carrying water, snacks, power banks, and camera gear.

Buy a similar day pack here.

Hydration bladder

Although I brought a hydration bladder, I found it difficult to fill and didn’t use it much, though it might be convenient for others.

Buy a hydration bladder here.

Trekking poles

I always use trekking poles in the UK, and found them useful for both uphills and downhills on the Everest Base Camp hike. 

These are the exact lightweight woman’s trekking poles I use.

Non-trekking gear

Packed camping gear including a blue sleeping bag, a brown sleeping bag, a rain cover, and a silk-cotton liner, all neatly arranged.

Here are some more bits of kit that I used at the teahouses.


I forgot a travel towel – luckily my partner had one! I tried to buy one in Namche Bazar but it was tiny!

Here’s the one I should have brought!

Sleeping bag

I rented a sleeping bag in Kathmandu and used it with a sleeping bag liner (which I purchased) for hygiene.

You can purchase a sleeping bag liner here or get it in Thamel.

Hot water bottle

A hot water bottle, filled in tea houses for 300-500 rupees, was invaluable for staying warm at night.

Here’s a hot water bottle.


I also bought an Everest Base Camp Journal in Namche Bazaar to document my journey.

Medical and Hygiene

It’s important to pack the right medical and hygiene gear, as it can get quite dirty and sickly on the trail!

Toiletries and medical supplies scattered on a surface, featuring items like Imodium, paracetamol, cleansing wipes, sunscreen, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and various blister packs.

Toilet roll

This is essential, as it’s not provided in tea houses.

Stock up on loo roll here.

Hand sanitiser

Multiple bottles are recommended for keeping hands clean.

Stock up on hand sanitiser before you go here.

Face and body wipes

For daily cleaning since there are no showers for a week.

Buy face wipes here.

Buy baby wipes here.


Recommended for nutritional support during the trek.

I used Berocca – buy it here.


Probiotics are also a good idea – you might need them for stomach issues!

Click here to purchase.

Antiseptic cream

Useful for treating cuts and scrapes.

Buy before you go here.

Moisturiser and Vaseline

For preventing and treating dry skin and lips.

Here’s my preferred moisturiser.

Here’s the Vaseline I use.


Here’s the deodorant I use.


I brought:

  • paracetamol
  • Lemsip
  • Strepsils
  • A nasal spray was useful for colds
  • Diamox tablets were crucial for altitude sickness prevention, but consult with a doctor or pharmacist before using them.

Toothpaste and toothbrush

Don’t forget these!

Buy a toothbrush here.

Buy toothpaste here.

Sheet masks

I left mine in Kathmandu, but I wish I’d remembered them – they’re a lovely facial treat after a long day of trekking!

Here are the sheet masks I use.

Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm was helpful for relieving headaches, decongesting, and soothing aches.

Here’s some Tiger Balm.

Gear and extras for the Everest Base Camp trek

Electronic devices and accessories spread out, including a camera with a microphone, chargers, cables, a tripod, a power bank, a smartwatch, and a teal-colored notebook.


I brought a tripod for filming to capture the stunning views and moments of the trek.

This is the tripod I use.


You need to bring your passport on the hike – it’s essential for hike and flight registration.


I carried approximately £300 for tips and small purchases along the way.

Power banks

I brought two power banks since charging opportunities were limited.

I recommend Anker power banks – take a look at them here.


Headphones were great for listening to music during downtime and on the hike.

These are the headphones I use.

Things to remember

  • Make sure to limit your luggage weight to 15 kilograms for both flights and porters. Consider the porters when packing – they have to carry everything, so try to make your bag as light as possible!
  • It’s important to get enough cash in Kathmandu as the ATM in Namche Bazaar is not reliable.
  • Be aware that tips and small purchases can add up, so plan for extra costs accordingly.

Take a look at all my Everest Base Camp content!

Here are all the Everest Base Camp posts that I’ve wrote!

Also, check out my TikTok, Instagram and YouTube for Everest Base Camp videos!